
Ideen,Fundstücke im Netz, Gedanken

26 Oktober 2005


the GeoServer Project :: an Internet gateway for geodata

"Welcome to the GeoServer Project

The GeoServer project is a full transactional Java (J2EE) implementation of the OpenGIS Consortium's Web Feature Server specification, with an integrated WMS. It is free software, available under the GPL 2.0 license. Users who would like to access and modify their geographic data over the Internet using flexible, industry-approved standards should take a look at GeoServer or one of the existing commercial Web Feature Servers. If you are interested in a deeper examination of the importance of the GeoServer Project, you should read our FAQ, where we have more descriptive explanations.

Announcement: Instant Visualization in 1.3.0-RC3
Posted by: Chris Holmes on Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 05:18 AM PDT Announcement

The latest GeoServer release brings a tool to instantly put newly added layers into the integrated MapBuilder AJAX based web mapping client. There are numerous bug fixes with Oracle, SLD labeling, WFS speed, and more. Documentation is being ported to the wiki with the Developer section completely ported. The release can be downloaded from:"
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